Skincare Tips for Holi-pre and Post

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Dr. Neeta Kapadia

Co-founder Rare Chemistry

March 12, 2025

Hey beautiful!

Holi, the festival of colours and water, is just round the corner and it’s so exciting.

The task is getting the colour off and your natural glow back after the party.

So should you avoid the fun?


A few smart tips and tricks can help you with both, colour off, glow on!

Pre Holi tips –


Start fortifying your skin a few days before Holi. Be sure to hydrate and moisturise your skin and treat your pores with good quality moisturisers, toners and masks in advance. A strong skin lipid barrier won’t let harmful chemicals and pigments seep into the skin and damage it.

Don’t forget your delicate under-eye area too. Use good nourishing eye creams to protect this area, which is the first to get affected and show signs of ageing.


Dry and sunburnt skin is more prone to chemical and photo damage. Healthy, hydrated skin can protect itself better from environmental pollutants. Use your sunscreen regularly.


Don’t get highlights and tints just before Holi. The colours are sure to change.

Condition your hair after shampooing – keep them hydrated and healthy.

Holi Day Tips –

  1. Your face is the target for colour. Moisturise your FACE with a heavy moisturiser or oil and use broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more. Reapply both at regular intervals. The protective oily layer over your skin will minimise the pigment absorption causing less damage and easier and faster cleaning. The sunscreen will prevent sunburn and photo damage that causes premature ageing – fine lines and pigmentation.
  2. Protect your LIPS with a good lip balm which has SPF too.
  3. Protect your NAILS with nail enamel.
  4. Cover your exposed body parts with oil. Layer with sunscreen lotion. You can also protect yourself with long-sleeved clothing.
  5. Oil your hair. Cover it with a bandana if it suits your style.
  6. Wear makeup to look more pretty and have fun! PS- Makeup adds a protective layer too!

Post Holi Tips-


Thoroughly clean up your face with mild and soothing gel cleansers and makeup removing balms immediately afterwards, no matter how tired you are. The colours, water and sun have dried and dehydrated the skin so don’t cause any further damage by using harsh scrubs and soaps. Let stubborn colour pigments fade away gradually.


Gently treat and moisturise your face with hydrating serums, nourishing and soothing creams or gels. Use both day and night creams. Your skin needs the pampering after all the fun! Don’t forget to do it twice a day for the next couple of days.


Remember to treat the skin around the eyes with creams specially meant for the under-eye area. This super thin and delicate skin is the first to show the signs of premature ageing so pamper it first.

  1. NAILS-

Trim them and remove the nail enamel. Use oil or creams to nourish.

  1. HAIR-

Wash with a mild shampoo and use a hydrating  hair mask.

  1. BODY-

Don’t forget to use a body lotion to moisturise the whole body after cleaning with a body wash.

Your skin might show some post Holi sensitivity… show it special love, care and attention, Be gentle, avoid harsh skin treatments immediately. Allow your skin to heal itself. Help it with products that increase the skin cell turnover, repair the natural lipid barrier, and lock moisture in. Your skin needs the best.

Drink plenty of water, have fruits and greens, wash away the toxins and get ready to Glow !!

Have fun with your family and friends and cheers to healthy radiant skin!

Happy Holi

From- Dr. Neeta Kapadia

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